Featured image for “Four Home Security Benefits that Keep Your Kids Safe After School!”

Four Home Security Benefits that Keep Your Kids Safe After School!

Concerned about your child’s safety once they get home from school? Do you really know they are safe and behaving themselves? Read this article to discover four benefits to have a Simplx Security system.
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Featured image for “Insurance Agent’s Home Nearly Floods”

Insurance Agent’s Home Nearly Floods

[one_fourth] Darrell Swanson is a licensed insurance agent with Short Associates in Fort Wayne, IN.[/one_fourth] [three_fourth_last] When people think of security systems, they usually just think of protection from burglars and not protection from flooded basements. However, for at least one insurance agent in Fort Wayne flood protection was EXACTLY why he wanted a security system. Two years ago we
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Featured image for “Neighbor with Simplx Camera Catches Fort Wayne Burglar”

Neighbor with Simplx Camera Catches Fort Wayne Burglar

Just imagine: It’s a typical Sunday. You’re happily chatting with your partner about lunch plans as you pull into your driveway around 10 a.m. just after your morning church service. As you walk toward your house, a sick feeling flips your stomach…the door is open. Inside your home it becomes clear….your 50” TV has been torn out of the wall,
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Featured image for “Yard Sale Safety”

Yard Sale Safety

If you are anything like my wife, you are getting very excited for the start of garage sale season. Fort Wayne explodes with yard sales around this time of year and you can get a great deal on pretty much anything. You can also unload a lot of unwanted items you’ve accumulated while making a few bucks. Now, having a
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Featured image for “Keep Your Vehicle Safe”

Keep Your Vehicle Safe

Lately, we have seen a great deal of car break-ins throughout Fort Wayne. While we focus on protecting homes and businesses, we would like to help protect your vehicles as well. After doing some research, including speaking with a Fort Wayne police officer, we have compiled some tips to help you avoid a car break-in. Hopefully you can gain some
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Featured image for “Cool Off this Summer with the Smartest Thermostat in Town!”

Cool Off this Summer with the Smartest Thermostat in Town!

If your home is anything like ours, kids are constantly running in and out and when they aren’t slamming doors, they are leaving them open. Instead of wasting energy by running your AC with a door open, get the smartest thermostat available with Simplx Security. Parents, you’ll have to find a new cliché to remind your kids to close the
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Featured image for “Enjoy Your Vacation More with a Smart Home”

Enjoy Your Vacation More with a Smart Home

It’s almost time for the kids to get out of school and your family to go on vacation! However, it can be hard to relax on vacation when your house is unoccupied. So many things can go wrong, especially in your imagination. You could have left the front door unlocked or the garage wide open. The basement could be filling
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Featured image for “What Your Significant Other Really Wants for Valentine’s Day”

What Your Significant Other Really Wants for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and you’re not sure what to do for that special someone. He doesn’t care about flowers, and chocolate would not help with her New Year’s resolution to drop the holiday weight. Jewelry is so expensive and a card isn’t expensive enough! You’re too old for oversized stuffed bears and a homemade coupon for
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Featured image for “The Benefit of Security Systems – From the Police’s Perspective”

The Benefit of Security Systems – From the Police’s Perspective

Sometimes people wonder how helpful home security systems really are. Who better to answer that question than those with first-hand experience with burglaries – the local police! The Fort Wayne Police Department’s website includes many helpful tips on crime prevention, one of which is to get a reliable home security system. See the following link for some tips from the
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Featured image for “Beware of Summer Scams”

Beware of Summer Scams

We are so excited for summer! The weather is starting to warm up and the snow should be gone for good (knock on wood). At Simplx we can’t wait to get outside, enjoy the sun, and make sure that every home in Fort Wayne is safe and secure. A big part of keeping our community safe is knocking on doors,
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