Featured image for “Safety around the city”

Safety around the city

At Simplx Security, we understand that safety is important, both in the home as well as out and about in the city. There are many ways that parents can be proactive in keeping their families, homes, and even themselves safe. Here are a few events around the city where you can get involved: 1.) Safety Village and Survive Alive House
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Featured image for “Online security tips”

Online security tips

Security is important both in the home and online. Online scams can include identity theft, phishing, and malware. Here are a few practical tips to keep yourself safe while browsing the internet. 1.) Beware of any email posing to be your bank, or asking for your personal information over email. If you receive an email asking for your PIN number
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Featured image for “Real Story from a Simplx Security Customer”

Real Story from a Simplx Security Customer

Less than two weeks ago, Brad Harris was enjoying a book in the living room of his Warsaw, Indiana home. It had only been about a month since he had a Simplx Security system installed, but he was soon to find out just how valuable it would be. As he read his book, an alarm was sounded to alert him
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Featured image for “Summer with Simplx”

Summer with Simplx

Summer is well on its way, and soon it will be time for backyard barbecues, vacations, and visits to the beach! But as temperatures rise, unfortunately so do crime rates. Already this year, the Fort Wayne Police Department has reported 412 burglaries in Fort Wayne alone. The FBI reports that a burglary occurs every 13 seconds in the United States.
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Featured image for “Wishing you a Safe and Happy Holiday Season”

Wishing you a Safe and Happy Holiday Season

We at Simplx Security want to wish all of our customers a safe and happy holiday season. Please keep in mind that during this time of year there is a higher risk of home burglary. Be sure to secure your home with your Simplx Security alarm system and check your locks and outdoor motion lights to make sure they are
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Featured image for “Halloween Safety Tips from Simplx Security”

Halloween Safety Tips from Simplx Security

Many of us look forward to Halloween for different reasons. For some it’s the endless buckets of sweets, for others it’s the fulfilling of a fantasy to become a super hero. Whatever reason you have for enjoying this spooky holiday, here are a few tips to make sure all your memories are good ones: As bad as it sounds, this
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Featured image for “Landscaping to Protect your Home”

Landscaping to Protect your Home

Living in Fort Wayne, Indiana lends itself to beautiful surroundings. Green grass, tall trees, blooming flowers, etc… but with that beauty comes maintenance. Isn’t that normally the case in life? Thankfully, we can take advantage of the trees and bushes around us to help better secure our home. Landscaping has a direct impact on the overall security of your home
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Featured image for “Back to School, Safe and Secure”

Back to School, Safe and Secure

It’s that time of year again… School is starting up! A distant groan can be heard from most kids, and rejoicing from their parents. We at Simplx Security want to make sure that your children can start another school year without running into any extra problems than what their teachers will assign as homework. Here are a few tips to
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Featured image for “NFPA Releases New Report on Home Fires”

NFPA Releases New Report on Home Fires

The NFPA (National Fire Protection Association), which is an organization that serves as an authority on fire, electrical and building safety, has release a new report covering statistics of home fires. During the five-year period covered by the report, roughly one in every 310 households per year had a reported home fire. Each year, these fires caused an estimated average
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Featured image for “Real Story from a Simplx Security Customer”

Real Story from a Simplx Security Customer

A few weeks ago, Jeff, a customer of Simplx Security, left his house in Fort Wayne, Indiana for the weekend to visit his girlfriend in Ohio. Everything was going as planned until he received a call at approximately 2 a.m. telling him that his house had been broken into. The phone call came from his daughter, Elisabeth, who had been
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