One of our favorite things to do here at Simplx is to spotlight our hard-working, dedicated employees. This month we’re featuring our AV & Inside Sales Specialist, Travis Rood. Join our comedic and candid convo with him as he dives deeper into the heart of Simplx Security and the impact Disney has had on his outlook on life.
Travis’s journey to Simplx
Simplx: Ah, Travis. Your moment in the spotlight is finally here. Have you come prepared today?
Travis: I was born prepared. And it’s about time I’m in the spotlight. (For real, though. 🤨)
Simplx: Haha, well, as I’m sure you’re aware, this is your chance to tell the world all about you and how you came to where you are today: Simplx’s MC, AV & Inside Sales Specialist, jack-of-all-trades, highly-coveted “favorite salesman” of many customers, and most importantly everybody’s buddy!
So, let’s kick this off with a basic question: Can you tell us about your journey to Simplx and your time here?
Travis: Delighted to. I actually met Nate through a previous employer. My work at that time was being restructured and allocated elsewhere, but my boss loved me (understandably) and wanted to assist in helping me find something that fit my techie skills and fantastic personality.
Enter Mr. Routsong.
I met Nate and applied for a tech position at Simplx. I came in for an interview and they must’ve been desperate (not really), because they called me back for a second one. The job was mine in July of 2016, (one month after Janna Slone came on board) and I never looked back. This is only the third job I’ve ever had in my life. I tend to stick around, so they’re stuck with me.
The best part of Simplx
Simplx: And we wouldn’t have it any other way, T! Tell us about your work here at Simplx. What do you love most and how have you overcome the challenges presented to you?
Travis: My work here is primarily in the add-on department. Meaning I am the go-between for Simplx and existing customers who want additional devices or parts for their system.
I’d have to say my absolute favorite thing is talking to so many different people. I get to make and maintain new relationships while strengthening many of the ones with our current clients. Our goal is to make sure they feel protected and valued. A job doesn’t get better than that.
I also love being a part of installing audio/visual equipment. Every other department at Simplx is designed to prevent something. The AV department is just fun! I get to play with speakers and different arrangements knowing it will bring folks enjoyment. Plus I get to see their faces after it’s all set up. When they realize they just got the most system for their home entertainment, it makes my day 🙂
The importance of family.

Travis: Quality customer care has always been at the forefront of Simplx. Nate is very focused on making sure our clients feel as close to family as possible.
I remember a moment shortly after I was hired at Simplx. We were just starting to have growing pains and Simplx consisted of about 12 employees. We all sat around an old table in the back room brainstorming a device issue we were having at a customer’s home.
Nate walked in and asked who the client was. His face fell when he realized he didn’t personally install the client’s system. It really seemed to bother him, because he wanted to be involved with every account, but he understood that to give the best possible customer care, he had to rely on his team.
That was the moment I realized what a special place Simplx is, because of the leadership we have in place. We’ve since grown a fantastic group of leaders and managers who hold those same values and in whom Nate trusts to care for his customers in the same way he does. But I’ll never forget that look on his face. He can’t know everyone personally, but he would if there was a way.
Nate always knows how to make it a family atmosphere and I’m honored to fulfill a part of the role to replicate that and to continue the incredible legacy of customer care that Nate has grown and what Simplx is now known for: keeping the human element in the tech world.

“I’d have to say my absolute favorite thing is talking to so many different people. I get to make and maintain new relationships while strengthening many of the ones with our current clients. Our goal is to make sure they feel protected and valued. A job doesn’t get better than that.“
Travis: My biggest challenge goes along with that. Delivering a poor experience due to a lack of knowledge or understanding is something I do my best to avoid and fight against. The customer needs to know they can depend on us to meet their needs, and if that isn’t conveyed, we’ve failed. I’ve failed.
Of course, no one can know everything. That’s why having a team you trust, and can lean on, is crucial to customer care. I’ve got so many great coworkers here! Whether it’s techs, office staff or even partners from our suppliers, everyone pitches in to help where needed and it’s awesome! I truly appreciate everyone for what they bring to the table.
The influence of Walt Disney
Simplx: You said it well, Travis. Nate’s heart really shows in all he does and it’s so cool to watch how he has been able to extend that same level of care through his leadership team and employees.
Which segues perfectly into the next question. You’re a big Disney fan (if our viewers couldn’t tell from your pictures here, haha), and we know your respect for Walt’s work goes beyond the fun rides and fireworks that are well-known at the happiest place on earth.
Can you explain how Walt Disney’s influence and outlook on life have impacted you and enabled you to apply helpful principles, not just to your work at Simplx, but to life in general?
Travis: Wow! What a question! But I’m happy to answer it.
When people look at Disney, they see a fun place to take their kids for a vacation to meet their favorite characters, but most folks don’t realize that Walt himself never actually set foot in Disneyland. (Yes, I’ve studied this. Ask me anything, haha!)
Walt passed away in December of 1966 and the park opened in October of 1971. He saw Disneyland in vision only. That speaks volumes as to what can be accomplished by believing in your dreams and working toward what you can’t always see with your eyes.

One of my favorite Walt Disney quotes is, “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” Walt was referring to his Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs movie (1937). It’s the first full-length animated feature to ever come into existence. People said it couldn’t be done. No one would sit through a cartoon like that. However, over 87 years later, it still stands as one of the most beloved feature films of all time, because Walt believed in something when no one else did.
Walt Disney’s legacy
Because he followed through and chased his vision, Walt Disney’s work has broken records and set new standards that the entertainment industry still uses to this day. Disney is a household name, and that only happened because he kept moving forward. He didn’t give up.
That philosophy strikes a chord in me and reminds me to keep pushing forward to learn and do more of the impossible. You can’t excel unless you’re challenged and you won’t get anywhere in life if you hold back out of fear of what may be.

Walt Disney looked at things differently and cared about every detail. I think that is a major part of our work here at Simplx. We want every detail to be right for our clients. They’re not just another customer. They matter. All of them. And we’ve tried to build a reputation at Simplx Security that serves our community in such a way that they know they’re safe with us, but also feel they’re safe with us. That’s the vision. That’s the dream.
Summing it all up
Simplx: What beautiful words, Travis. You do have a soft, sensitive side after all, don’t you?
Travis: On occasion, yes. Mostly, I’m manly.
Simplx: Haha, well I’m glad you gave us a peek inside how you came to be where (and who) you are today. Do you have any words of wisdom for people looking to enter the tech industry?
Travis: You need to be open-minded and ready to learn. Don’t wait for the answers to come to you, go seek them out until you find them. Sometimes you really never know what you’re capable of until it’s your only option to move forward. You might surprise yourself.
Simplx: Solid advice, T. And on that note, any final thoughts you’d like to leave us with?
Travis: Don’t be afraid to chase your dreams, just like Walt Disney did. You’ll never get anywhere if you let fear control you.
And also, I’m awesome.

What the Simplx owners have to say about Travis:
Travis has been a loyal friend and a diligent worker at Simplx for over 8 years! He has collected many keys on his belt over the years and is the fastest one up and down the stairs, so we ALWAYS know when he’s coming and going, haha. His bubbling personality brings joy and excitement into work every day. Travis surpasses customer expectations and becomes everyone’s best friend. Many clients seek him out when they stop by to visit. He has taken on the role of Master of Ceremonies for every Simplx event and team gatherings and he keeps the crowd enraptured with his quick, witty sense of humor and confidence.
Travis is a Disney enthusiast, sharing his wealth of Disney tips and tricks with anyone he finds out is taking a trip! Quick to help, always happy to serve, and willing to go above and beyond for coworkers and customers, are traits that Travis has proven are a part of who he is. We’re so grateful for Travis’ friendship, loyalty and the way he brightens every room he enters!
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Have questions? We’re here to be helpful in any way we can. At Simplx Security, our mission is protecting what matters most to you. It’s vital that you continue to feel safe and trust that your security system will do its job well. One of the best benefits of having a local security company monitor your system is you’re partnered with folks who understand your area and are right around the corner! We’re here to help you if any further troubleshooting is required.
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